Why are there so many Christian denominations?

During Jesus’s ministry, he prayed that his followers would exhibit unity with one another. So what happened? Rather than harmony, and cooperation, Christians are often known for their disagreements and divisions.

You’re likely familiar with Catholic churches and Protestant denominations. While many Catholic churches have the same beliefs and structure, Protestant denominations vary. These includes Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Pentecostals, and numerous other groups. Some churches consider themselves Protestant, but do not affiliate with any specific denomination, often calling themselves non-denominational. 

One reason there are multiple denominations is divided beliefs on certain church practices. What does baptism mean and who should get baptized? How should local churches be structured? Who should fill leadership roles? How often should communion be practiced? How should certain passages in the Bible be interpreted? These are good questions and the answers aren’t always clear in the Bible. 

Another distinction between denominations is simply style of worship service. While some are more traditional, others are more contemporary or modern. Some have choirs and some have worship bands. Many of the differences in denominations fall under the category of personal preference or long-standing traditions. 

Despite these many differences, there are a few central tenets that bind all Christians together regardless of their church, denomination, culture, or location. Christians believe in the trinity (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Believers agree that all humans are sinful and in need of grace, and that only Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to have a relationship with God. Christians also believe that the Bible most clearly reveals who God is and teaches us how to follow Jesus and love others. 

While other beliefs and practices are important, they are secondary. God’s story is bigger than our differences, and if we continue to follow him, we can all find our place within his Church.


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